Thursday, August 13, 2015

What I Ate in Israel

"Kopipi salad" at Frame Restaurant in Tel Aviv (

Israel holds a very special place in my heart; not only is it my favorite country, but it is like my second home.

When I think of Israel, I automatically think of five things- my family, warmth, nightlife, heat, and most importantly, good food.  I grew up with an Israeli mother and an Israeli family, where food was always a big part of our lives. Lucky for me, though, the food I grew up eating and learned to cook was always very healthy and consisted of salads, vegetables, whole grains, spices, olive oil, tahini, hummus, and fresh fish.

What I love most about the Israeli culture is their philosophy on food; food is a huge part of their lives and it's what brings family and friends together. Most people eat home cooked meals most of the time, and go out to eat only occasionally. It is super super easy to find healthy restaurants and healthy options at restaurants, and the cooked food at restaurants doesn't feel as heavy or oily as the food here in America. Israeli's love to eat, but they aren't as heavy or unhealthy as the people here in the U.S.- in fact, you almost never see anyone obese walking on the streets! From my personal observations, I believe that the reason for this is that they aren't obsessed with "diets" and don't stress out about the food they eat; to them, eating is enjoyable and a blessing, not something to stress over! They eat a balanced diet that is naturally low in sugar, low in fried foods, high in healthy fats and carbs, and filled with veggies and fruits.

When I go to Israel, all I do is eat, so I thought I'd share with you all some of the delicious and healthy foods I ate!

Papaya salad, crispy sweet potato salad, and vegan noodles at Kampai in Tel Aviv (

Coconut Water on the Streets of Jerusalem
Happy Hour at Hotel Yam in Tel Aviv (

Salmon, Salads and Tahini- Homemade Shabbat (Friday Night) Dinner

Simple Veggie salad and Tahini at Machneyuda Restaurant in Jerusalem (

Breakfast Buffet at Arthur Hotel in Jerusalem (

Fresh Juice, Fruit, and Halva at Machane Yehuda Market in Jerusalem (

Fresh Fruit Juice at the Farmer's Market in the Port of Tel Aviv

Salad with quinoa, chia seeds, beets, carrots, tomatoes, oats, lentils, and other goodies over hummus and tahini at Cafe Louse in Haifa (
Homemade Pitaya and Banana Smoothie topped with Mango, Hempseeds, and Walnuts
Green Smoothie on the Streets of Jerusalem

If you are a health freak like me, you will have no problem finding healthy restaurants or healthy food to eat while traveling in Israel! I hope that if any of you travel to Israel soon, you will visit some of the places I ate at above:)


Sunday, August 9, 2015

What I've Learned About Health From My Month-Long Trip to Israel

know that for most people, going on a vacation is either an excuse to completely abandon their workout and eating routine, or the cause of their constant anxiety about how to still stick to their normal routine. After experiencing both of these over the years, I now know that going on vacation shouldn't mean either!

I just came back from a month-long trip to Israel feeling happier and healthier than ever, and I thought i'd share everything I learned about being happy and healthy while on vacation with you all.

My top ten tips for staying your happiest and healthiest while on vacation:

  1. Don't be afraid to let go of your normal eating and workout routine, but don't completely abandon it- Eat as healthy as you can, when you can and squeeze in a thirty minute HIIT workout in your hotel room or a jog around the neighborhood when you can, but don't miss out on other fun things because you need to workout or you can't find something to eat where your friends want to go. On the other hand, a vacation is not an excuse to completely go crazy- it's all about balance and moderation! Order a salad, but have a scoop of ice cream for desert. Skip your cycling class, but make up for it with a swim in the pool or a long walk around the area. 
  2. Let yourself REST, and then rest some more.. It's called a vacation for a reason! I actually always seem to lose weight when I let my body rest instead of forcing myself to workout when I feel like my body needs a break. 
  3. Don't be picky- Your anxiety around food is worse for you than the actual food; it's okay to try different foods and eat things you normally wouldn't! Enjoy different ethnic foods and explore new cultures and routines.
  4. Give yourself the freedom to let go of restrictions- When you let yourself eat whatever you want, whenever you want, you will usually choose the right foods most of the time and won't feel the need to eat foods that are unhealthy. You also are much less likely to binge eat since you are giving yourself the freedom to eat your favorite foods in moderation. That's why "dieting" never works- you will always crave something more when you can't have it!
  5. Always remember to listen to your body- Whenever I start feeling anxious, stressed, nauseous, have absolutely no appetite, and start feeling down, I know that I've gone too many days without working out! (yes, I start getting nauseous when I don't workout for more than a few days lol) For me, working out is actually enjoyable and is an essential part of my daily life- I really feel terrible without it! It can be hard and sometimes inconvenient to workout while on vacation, but for me, it's totally necessary if I want to be able to enjoy my trip and feel my best. Same goes for eating; if I feel like I've had too many treats or too many glasses of wine, I listen to my body and give it a break. 
  6. Don't be embarrassed or shy to ask for healthy substitutions at restaurants or to say no when offered unhealthy foods by family and friends- This one is SO important, since I know that most people would rather eat what is offered to them than speak up about their eating habits or likes/dislikes. One of the most important things when living a healthy lifestyle is learning to not care what others think- put yourself and your body first always!
  7. Pack pills/supplements/superfood powders/food items that you know will be hard to find in another country- I took my fish oil pills, chlorella pills, vitamin D and B pills, tons of superfood powders, cacao nibs, goji berries, stevia, teas, nutritional yeast, and most importantly, my daily probiotics!
  8. Don't think about work/career/school- It's called a vacation for a reason! Take the time to read, spend time with family and friends, go out dancing, lay out by the beach, or anything else that makes you happy.
  9. Don't forget your positive mantras- If you tell yourself that your body can handle the change in routine, and that you won't gain weight, you will start to believe it and it will become true! 
  10. Don't stress- THE most important! Don't let yourself stress out about anything- body image, food, exercise, problems with family or friends, work, or school- just enjoy your vacation.
I hope you use these tips and take them with you on your next vacation!