Friday, April 3, 2015

My Experience with Kayla Itsines' BBG

I'm on week 6 of Kayla's Bikini Body Guide, and I  thought I'd share with you all my experience with it so far!

When I first started, I was amazed by how hard it was for me to get through the first two weeks- To be honest, I felt like throwing up after each session, as I'm not used to fast-paced, intense workouts (I usually weight train and do light cardio). As the weeks went on, I became in love with each session and would push myself to the limit every time. I loved the feeling afterwards- it made me feel like I could accomplish anything!

However, I started getting sick all the time. In fact, I've been sick three times since starting BBG and had to take a week off of training for each time I was sick. I realized that I probably wasn't doing something right- if I was taking care of my body and doing all the right things, I definitely shouldn't be getting sick all the time. Not only that, but there were also days when I was completely exhausted from my crazy schedule but still pushed myself to complete every workout. I ended up not being able to do my best and would get mad at myself after.

About two weeks ago I got so stressed out from life (school, work, homework, fights with my boyfriend, and on top of that trying to stick with my workout routine and plan out all of my meals every day) that I started to get an intense pain in my chest; every time I would breathe or cough or laugh it would hurt like crazy. I then realized that I was under way too much stress and that my body was trying to tell me to slow down- I had to do something.

Ever since then I stopped pushing myself as hard during my workouts. Don't get me wrong, I still sweat like crazy, have a tomato face by the end of my workouts, and am insanely sore after, but I don't push myself to my absolute limit. I have actually lost weight by doing this and am a lot less bloated since I am a LOT less stressed. I enjoy my workouts more, focus more on my form rather than how fast I am completing every workout, and feel much healthier.

Not only that, but instead of stressing so much over what I eat, I have been listening to my body instead. If I feel like eating less one day, I do. If I feel like I need to eat more the next day, I do. I plan each meal as I go, don't deprive myself, and listen to my bodies needs.

The moral of the story is that pushing yourself past your comfort zone is GREAT, and that constantly trying to be better than  before is GREAT, but pushing yourself to your absolute limit, to the point where you are always getting sick and stressed out, is never good. Slow progress is better than no progress- remember that!

What is your experience with BBG or any new workout routine? Would love to hear your story in the comments below!


1 comment:

  1. Hey! I randomly came across this when I was on the Internet, and I just wanted to thank you for inspiring me. I was at Week 5 of BBG when I fell really ill due to terrible weather conditions here, and I have been out of it for more than 2 weeks now. It's really frustrating but I'm gonna take your advice and listen to my body, trust the progress and keep moving forward :)

    Love from Singapore xxx
